B003725 - Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2021

Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, University of Florence


Paolo Frasconi, DINFO, via di S. Marta 3, 50139 Firenze

email: .

Office Hours

Wednesday, 10:45-12:45.

Until further notice, it will be via telco. Please on the day before and I will reply with a tentative meeting time.

Learning Objectives

The course will introduce problems and basic algorithmic techiques in the following areas:

You will be able to design and apply simple searching agents, solvers for constraint satisfaction problems, understand and apply simple probabilistic models and solve basic data-driven classification problems. The course will serve as a foundation for further study in AI as well as in engineering areas where AI is becoming predominant.


B003368 (Algorithms and Data Structures)

Suggested readings


Other texts

D. Barber. Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning. Cambridge University Press, 2012 (free PDF).
Hal Daume III A Course in Machine Learning 2017 (free PDF).
T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. 2nd edition. Springer, 2009 (free PDF).
Dechter, R., Cohen, D. (2003). Constraint Processing. United Kingdom: Elsevier Science.
Dechter, R., Cohen, D. (2003). Jensen, F. V. (1996). An introduction to Bayesian networks. United Kingdom: Springer New York.
Additional reading materials (papers or book chapters) are often listed on the side of each lecture.


There is a final project and a final oral exam.

The final project will be assigned by the teacher based on a short discussion with the student during office hours. The project typically consists the application of AI techniques to simple real problems, or it could involve the implementation and the verification of algorithmic techniques described in the course. Students should be ready to answer practical and theoretical questions about their project during the oral exam.

The oral exam covers the rest of the course. During the exam, students should prove they can master both theoretically and practically the methods and the algorithmic techniques described in the course.

Schedule and reading materials

For videos please go to the Moodle-WebEx connector (UniFI credentials required).

Date Topics Readings/Handouts
2021-09-22 Administrivia. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Agents, environments, percepts, actions. Rational agents.
  • RN21 1, 2.1-2.4
2021-09-23 Formulation of a search problem. Search graphs and search trees. General structure of the search procedure. General best-first algorithm. Completeness and optimality.
  • RN21 3.1-3.3
2021-09-29 Blind search: DFS, BFS, Uniform Cost, Iterative Deepening, Bidirectional. Comparisons. Heuristics. Greedy best first search. Admissibility and consistency. A*. Optimality of A*. Designing heuristics. Dominance.
  • RN21 3.4.5-3.4.7, 3.5
2021-09-30 Linear conflicts. Pattern databases. Performance measures, effective branching factor. Local search. Hill climbing. Beam search. Simulated annealing
  • RN21 3.6, 4.1
2021-10-06 Constraint satisfaction problems. Examples. Backtracking search. Inference for CSPs (constraint propagation). Arc consistency, AC-3 and its analysis.
  • RN21 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
2021-10-07 Path-consistency and k-consistency. Heuristics for variable and value ordering. Maintaining arc consistency vs. forward checking. Complexity. Tree problems. Cutset conditioning. Introduction to clustering.
  • RN21 6.2-6.5
2021-10-13 Triangulation of graphs. Construction of junction trees for constraint satisfaction. Constraint modeling with Minizinc.
  • RN21 6.4, 7.1
2021-10-14 Introduction to logic. Formulae, syntax, semantics. Syntax and semantics of propositional and first order logic. Entailment.
  • RN21 7.1-7.3, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 8.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2
2021-10-20 Procedures for logical inference. Soundness and completeness. Decidability of propositional logic. Deduction theorem and refutation. Logical equivalences. Conjunctive normal form. SAT and the DPLL procedure. WalkSAT. Random SAT problems.
  • RN21 7.4, 7.6
2021-10-21 Theorem proving. Resolution. Ground resolution theorem. Definite and Horn clauses. Forward and backward chaining.
  • RN21 7.5
2021-10-28 Beliefs, probabilities, and probabilistic reasoning. Updating beliefs from evidence using Bayes' rule. Conditional independence.
  • RN21 ch. 12.1-12-5, B12 ch. 1
2021-11-04 Directed graphical models (Bayesian networks). Semantics. Examples. Conditional independence entailment. D-separation and conditional independence in directed networks.
  • RN21 14.1, 14.2, B12 3.3
2021-11-10 D-separation (cont.). Limitations of D-separation. Markov networks. Inference in directed networks. Junction trees for probabilistic inference.
  • RN21 14.4.4., B12 6.
2021-11-18 Hugin propagation. Frequentist parameter learning and Laplace smoothing. Supervised learning. Naive Bayes as a graphical model. The supervised learning problem.
  • RN21 20.1, 20.2.1, 20.2.2, 19.2
2021-11-25 Hyperplanes and the perceptron algorithm. Block-Novikoff theorem. Voted perceptron. Dual form of the perceptron algorithm,
  • RN21 18.1, 18.2, 18.6.3, 18.7.2; D17 4.
2021-12-02 Multi-layered perceptron. Expressiveness. Response functions. Losses. Stochastic gradient descent. Gradient computation for linear networks.
  • RN21 19.6, 21.1, 21.2
2021-12-09 Backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent for multilayered networks. Introduction to Adaboost.
  • RN21 21.1, 21.4, 19.8.4
2021-12-16 Analysis of AdaBoost. Decision trees. Greedy top-down construction of decision trees. Random forests.
  • RN21 19.3, 19.8


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